curtain music
29.11.24 composer’s house (vilnius)
written, performed, composed, scenography and choreography by Samuel Barbier-Ficat
curtain music is a piece that simulates a musical concerto; manifesting as a simulacrum ‘a ghost mourning’, and questioning, performance in the age of digital replication. In the contemporary context, where music can (excitingly) be derived entirely from digital processes, one must ask: how can we imbue vitality and ephemerality into a composition born from code?
curated by Goda Palekaite & Liam Murtaugh
produced by Iman Muse
styled by Aistė Frišmantaitė
clothes designer by Artūras Astrauskas
lighting by Justas Bø
sound engineer by Arnas Tamulionis
event production by Augustė Verikaitė
photos by Andrej Vasilenko
videos by Alanas Gurinas & Gvidas Bindokas
edited by Samuel Barbier-Ficat
color graded by Eloi Ficat
communication by Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė
curatorial assistant by Thierry Jasmin
29.11.24 composer’s house (vilnius)
written, performed, composed, scenography and choreography by Samuel Barbier-Ficat
curtain music is a piece that simulates a musical concerto; manifesting as a simulacrum ‘a ghost mourning’, and questioning, performance in the age of digital replication. In the contemporary context, where music can (excitingly) be derived entirely from digital processes, one must ask: how can we imbue vitality and ephemerality into a composition born from code?
curated by Goda Palekaite & Liam Murtaugh
produced by Iman Muse
styled by Aistė Frišmantaitė
clothes designer by Artūras Astrauskas
lighting by Justas Bø
sound engineer by Arnas Tamulionis
event production by Augustė Verikaitė
photos by Andrej Vasilenko
videos by Alanas Gurinas & Gvidas Bindokas
edited by Samuel Barbier-Ficat
color graded by Eloi Ficat
communication by Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė
curatorial assistant by Thierry Jasmin